Friday, June 22, 2007

Svante Stockselius meets members of OGAE Serbia

Two days ago, members of OGAE Serbia met the supervisor of Eurovision Song Contest, Mr. Svante Stockselius.

Mr. Stockselius came to Belgrade to get to know with the host city of Eurovision Song Contest 2008. During his stay, Mr. Stockselius visited Belgrade Arena, Sava Centre (potential place for the press area) and Expo Centre (potential place for Euroclub).

Mr. Stockselius expressed his delightment with Belgrade, Arena and Sava centre, saying that there are all conditions for having an event like ESC and added that he thinks that the next year's event will be very successful.

Mr. Stockselius also met the head managers of RTS and the people who will be responsible who organising of the event and had a serie of meetings with them. He said that he thinks that there is a team of professional, creative and capable people in RTS who will be able to bring out such a demanding task like an organisation of ESC.

Members of OGAE Serbia also introduced some ideas to mr. Stockselius and expressed their willingness in organising the events connected with fans. Mr. Stockselius said he's very pleased with the ideas the fans in Serbia have and added that he hopes they'll be brought out in the cooperation of RTS and OGAE Serbia. The head of Serbian delegation and the music editor of RTS, Ms. Anja Rogljic, expressed her satisfaction with the RTS' cooperation with OGAE Serbia in Helsinki and added RTS will its' best for Eurovision Song Contest's good organisation.

Mr. Stockselius also mentioned some general things about the ESC. He said that, in the case of Italy's coming back, there will be BIG 5 and the method of voting will stay the same. As for the infamous theme of "East" and "West", Mr. Stockselius said that former Eastern European countries put much more in the quality of their songs and added he isn't surprised they do very well at the contest.

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