Friday, September 25, 2009

Eurovision artists at Oprah Show - video

Oprah shows snippets of different artists that have competed in the Eurovision song contest since it began.

Julio Iglesias, ABBA, Celine Dion, Charlotte Perrelli, Rodolfo Chikilicuatre, Laka, Ani Lorak, Andy Abraham, Vlad Mirita, Kalomoira, Sakis Rouvas, Elena Gheorghe, Alexander Rybak, Dima Bilan and others.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Alexander Rybak - Roll with the wind - new videoclip

Alexander Rybak, this year's Eurovision Song Contest winner has released his latest videoclip Roll with the wind.

The videoclip has been filmed on the Norwegian island of Giske.